Queen Elizabeth II tribute gala

Stage design concept rendering for an imaginary gala event celebrating Queen Elizabeth's life

Social media booth at QE II gala event
Social media booth at QE II gala event
"Dressed for Defiance"

Plan Perspective of "Dressed for Defiance" exhibition

"Dressed for Defiance, tracing the United States history through personal adornment in politics" an imaginary exhibition at the Renwick Gallery. The black shape at the end is a sculptural display case inspired by judicial robes, utilizing layers of felt cloth, and would display one of Ruth Bayder Ginsburg's signature lace collars.
Sketch to concept. Designing an exhibition environment around a dress belonging to a civil rights era personality, and her struggles in attending a predominantly white high school in the late 1950's, as a member of a group of only 9 black students. The dress was worn during the first day of school, and its fabric is festooned with letters of the alphabet. From "Dressed for Defiance".
Concept of anamorphic pedestal for a pair of boots, the work of a Native American artist who creates traditional bead-work over western designer artifacts. The shape was inspired by the wall visual on the left, also from the artist's work.
"Film and the City" Pop Up exhibition

A pop-up exhibition concept, with the theme of film, as it relates to the city.

"Black Figures" exhibition concept
Concept exhibition of artifacts, such as clocks, figurines and paintings, depicting Africans by 18th century European artists and artisans. Located at the Corcoran School's Atrium. The pedestal in the foreground contains a gilded mantel clock, and is set to rotate once every 12 hours.
 A combination seating bench-display case for small sculptures. It is a strategy for bringing attention to small pieces that might otherwise be lost inside the cavernous gallery.
Power and Illusion in the Wizard of Oz
"Passing through the veil", from a Wizard of Oz based concept exhibition design, tackling the theme of Power and Illusion. The visitor walks through a fog screen, breaking the illusion of power.
Discovering the Wizard's hidden "apparatus".  Image from physical model interior
Discovering the Wizard's hidden "apparatus". Image from physical model interior
Going behind the Curtain.  Image from physical model interior
Going behind the Curtain. Image from physical model interior
Architectural Activation: The Spiny Monster!
Activating a room element: the door frame bursts inward, multiplies and spins as it becomes smaller, becoming an alien looking bio-form!  A fun exploration of 3D model making, both digital and physical.
Visualizing Attributes:  Foot-form and weight transference
The concept of a foot's weight transference during motion, translated into line weight and balsa wood. The result, although a static sculpture, is full of motion.
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